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With our aspirations, quality standard and dedicated reliable specialized team, we’re confident that our capabilities and resources can bring long-term and sustainable benefits to all our stakeholders across different industries and subindustries and all supply chain activities.

Abdullah Al Hashimi
Managing Director, Marafiq

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To become the leading integrated utilities developer and operator of choice.

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Through its endless efforts, Marafiq seeks to supply utilities with reliability and efficiency, invest in Oman's National human capital and commit to practice sustainable and environmental friendly operations.



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Marafiq meets partners in Duqm and boosts its support to local community

Marafiq meets partners in Duqm and boosts its support to local community

The Centralized Utilities Company (Marafiq), a joint venture - owned by OQ and Gulf Energy Development Corporation of Thailand, organised the first annual gathering with its government and private partners in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm (SEZAD). The event was presided over by HE Eng. Ahmed bin Hassan Al Dheeb, Deputy Chairman of the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ). 

In a press statement, Al Dheeb stressed that Marafiq Company stands as one of the companies supporting OPAZ plan to attract investments to the Special Economic Zone at Duqm through its package of services provided for industrial, commercial and tourist projects in the Zone. 

“OPAZ is joining hands with its partners in SEZAD to create an attractive investment environment for local and foreign companies to start investing in the Zone, which is witnessing continuous growth in the value of investments”, HE Eng. Ahmed Al Dheeb explained. 

On the other hand, Hilal bin Ali Al Kharousi, Chairman of Marafiq Company, pointed out, “Marafiq is one of the companies formed by OQ Group within the integrated system that has boosted the readiness of the Special Economic Zone at Duqm to attract giant industrial and strategic projects such as Duqm Refinery (OQ8) and the Crude Oil Storage Park project in Ras Markaz”. 

He further stated, “Marafiq will support achieving SEZAD’s objectives to attract local and foreign investments. This is reflected in playing its significant role by providing services for industrial projects such as electricity, industrial water, cooling water, industrial gas and other facilities under one umbrella. 






Eng. Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Hashimi, Managing Director of Marafiq Company, stated that Marafiq enjoys a great support from the Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ), the Public Services Regulatory Authority and OQ Group. This has undoubtedly contributed to achieving the Company's objectives. Al Hashimi also commended the Company’s fruitful partnership with many government and private bodies and the international companies operating in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm. He stressed that such partnership has contributed to accelerate delivering the projects awarded to Marafiq. 

During his presentation, Eng. Al Hashimi touched on the Company's achievements made over the past years and the projects developed by Marafiq in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm in the power and water sectors. Among the key projects is the Integrated Power and Water Plant, which supplies Duqm Refinery with power and industrial cooling water and supplies power to Oman Tank Terminal Company (OTTCO), which operates the Crude Oil Storage Park in Ras Markaz, located 80 km from the centre of Duqm. 

Moreover, he highlighted the relationship between Marafiq and the Rural Areas Electricity Company "Tanweer", which marked the establishment of a mobile power plant operating with gas turbines to provide power for commercial, industrial, tourist and residential projects in the Special Economic Zone at Duqm. 

In another note, Eng. Al Hashimi demonstrated the Company’s achievements in the potable water sector in SEZAD, striving to keep pace with the increasing demand and fast-tracking the establishment of a water distribution network as well as connecting industrial, commercial and residential properties to the network. 

“The aspirations of Marafiq Company, which recorded a series of successes, are not limited to what has been already achieved on ground during the past years. Instead, we will work in cooperation with all our partners to provide more services that contribute to attracting more investments to the Special Economic Zone at Duqm. Likewise, we will work on developing plans that serve the current and future growth of the Zone”, Eng. Abdullah Al Hashimi, Managing Director of Marafiq commented. 

During the gathering, HE Eng. Ahmed Al Dheeb, Deputy Chairman of OPAZ, launched the Company’s newly revamped website, which brings key insights about the Company and marks a link with other partners and customers. 

On the sideline, Marafiq Company signed an agreement with the General Directorate of Education in Al Wusta Governorate, and Tawasul Foundation to support the preparation classes in Dhahr School in Duqm and Al Lakbi School in Al Jazir for the academic year 2022/2023 and 2023/2024. This agreement reflects the Company’s corporate social responsibility towards supporting the local community in Duqm, in particular, and Al Wusta Governorate, in general. 

In addition, during the annual gathering, Marafiq Company was awarded the (ISO 45001) Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificate, and the (ISO 14001) Environmental Management System Certificate. Receiving both certificates indicates an international acknowledgement to the commitment of Marafiq and its employees to the HSE practices and its compliance with the international HSE standards.

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